Precast Concrete
50 Years of Quality Precast Concrete
South Okanagan Concrete Products has been producing quality precast concrete for over 50 years. We supply precast concrete products to British Columbia’s Interior Region and Washington State. Our 10,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Osoyoos, BC, produces many different products. From Retaining Blocks to Septic Systems, South Okanagan Concrete Products has the expertise and equipment to deliver high quality Precast Concrete products to your job site. We have crane trucks available for delivery and installing at your site. We also stock a full line of castings, septic tank components and sealants for your project.
Click here for Precast Drawing Details
Its Under Our Feet
Most people are unaware of the presence of the hidden systems that make life what it is today: civilized. Sanitary and storm sewers, box culverts, catch basins, pump/lift stations, septic tanks, exterior grease interceptors, water storage tanks, wet wells, electrical and communication vaults, and many other products all play a pivotal role in maintaining a clean, healthy, productive environment for the inhabitants of the civilized world.
Without these systems, life would be much different. Much of the credit can be given to the main components of these systems, which typically consist of precast concrete. There are literally hundreds of precast concrete products produced today.
Why Use Precast Concrete?
Strong and Growing Stronger
The strength of precast concrete gradually increases over time. Other materials can deteriorate, experience creep and stress relaxation, lose strength and deflect over time. The load-carrying capacity of precast concrete is derived from its own structural qualities and does not rely on the strength or quality of the surrounding backfill materials.
Easy Install
Although precast concrete is quite heavy, nearly all other competing materials require machinery for handling and installation as well. Speed of installation is more dependent on excavation than product handling and placement. Unlike other materials such as fiberglass, precast concrete does not require the use of special rigging (such as fabric slings) to avoid structural damage.
Lower Lifetime Costs
Precast’s superior strength means that installation is often easier, quicker and less costly. It also requires less ongoing maintenance and a reduced likelihood of future problems. That means a lower total cost over the life cycle of a project.
Get the Job Done Fast
Precast concrete products arrive at the job site ready to install, which can save weeks over cast-in-place construction. Precast reduces the need for skilled labor on site and decreases the footprint. There is no need to order raw materials such as reinforcing steel and concrete, and no time wasted setting up forms, placing reinforcement, pouring concrete and waiting for concrete to cure.
Staying Power
Studies have shown that precast concrete products can provide a service life in excess of 100 years. For severe service conditions, additional design options are available which can extend the life of the precast concrete product. This is extremely important when calculating life cycle costs for a project. While no material is completely immune to attack from aggressive chemical agents, precast products can often be designed to resist corrosion in specific applications.
We’re Talking Quality Here
Because precast concrete products typically are produced in a controlled environment, they exhibit high quality and uniformity. Variables typically affecting quality on a job site – temperature, humidity, craftsmanship – are closely controlled in a plant environment.
Water-tightness Comes Standard
Precast concrete products manufactured in a quality-controlled environment and used with high-quality sealants offer a superior solution to watertightness requirements. Standard watertight sealants are specially formulated to adhere to precast concrete, making watertight multiple-seam precast concrete structures possible.
More than Good Looks
Precast concrete products are both functional and decorative. They can be shaped and molded into an endless array of sizes and configurations. Precast concrete can also be produced in virtually any color and a wide variety of finishes (acid-etched, sandblasted, smooth-as-cast, exposed-aggregate) to achieve the desired appearance for building and site applications. You are limited only by your imagination!
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We are a proud member of the NPCA (National Precast Concrete Association)